f. Vice Minister of Science and Computerization
President, The Polish Information Processing Society
A graduate of the organization of data processing at the Central School of Planning and Statistics in Warsaw. While working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he was responsible for computerization of the Polish foreign service.
From March 1998 to July 2004, he was the First Counselor at the Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union in Brussels. As undersecretary of state in the Ministry of Science and Informatization (2004-2005) he was responsible for the issues of computerization of public administration. In 2008-2011 he was the director of the Information Society Department at the Ministry of Interior and Administration. From 2012 to 2017, inspired by the European Commission, he was the Digitization Leader in Poland. President of the Polish Information Technology Society of the 13th term (2017-2020).
For many years he has been a member of the Program Council of the Teleinformatics Forum. From 2020, he also sits on the Computer Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.