Mykhailo Zakharovich Zgurovsky Ph.D., professor, rector of NTUU "KPI" (since 1992), director of the Institute for Applied Systems Analysis MES and NAS of Ukraine (since 1997), Member of the National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences specialty: computer science and computer systems) and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (1995), Honored Scientist of Ukraine, three times winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in science and Technology (1990, 1999, 2005) , winner of the Glushkov Prize of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1994), Prize of B. Michalevic NAS of Ukraine (2000). He was awarded the Order "For Merit" III (1996), II (1998) and I (2005) degrees, honorary distinction of the President of Ukraine (1996), as well as state awards in Vietnam, Italy, France, Estonia, Japan.
In 1986-1987, he worked as deputy head of the research work of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Ukrainian SSR. In 1994-1999, he was the Minister of Education of Ukraine.
M. Zgurovsky is the member of many Ukrainian and foreign scientific societies, among others: of the Earth Data Network for education and scientific exchange (EDNES, Strasbourg, France), the national representative of Ukraine in the Committee of the World Data System (WDS, Paris, France), the national representative of Ukraine in the International Council for Science (ICSU, Paris, France).
M. Zgurovsky is the graduate of KPI, faculty management systems, specialty "Automated Control Systems", 1975. Since 1975 - Engineer, Senior Engineer, Senior Researcher, Professor, Department of Technical Cybernetics, Vice President for Academic Affairs of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. Since 1992 - Rector of the Institute (now the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute").